Last Update: January 28, 2020. Note that rules are always changing so if there are any changes, we will always try to keep this page up-to-date. You can also always access the latest rules at
Weddings & Events Restrictions:
- Based on the current COVID-19 wedding & gathering restrictions, Wedding Ceremonies are still allowed to be performed with a maximum of 10 people allowed. We also have confirmed this with Public Health via email and phone.
- Any other events and social gatherings are currently NOT allowed at the moment.
COVID-19 Protocols
- We only conduct virtual meetings and tours at this time.
- All attendees and staff must always comply with the following 3 basic preventive measures:
- Maintain at least 1 metre or 6 feet distance from others
- Masks or face coverings must be worn at all times.
- Cover a sneeze or cough with a tissue or bent elbow, & immediately dispose of the tissue in a closed-lid bin. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.
- Wash your hands frequently with soap & water, or with a hand sanitizer.
- Always be informed about local regulations before the event.
- The client is required to gather a list of attendees with contact information. It will be needed if there is an outbreak resulting from the gathering.
- The client is responsible and required to notify their guests about our COVID-19 protocols.
- The COVID-19 screening form must be filled out by guests and all third-party vendors before the event.
- If you’ve travelled outside of Canada or had close contact with anyone that has travelled outside of Canada in the past 14 days, you must isolate and talk with a doctor/health care provider to get advice or an assessment, including if you need a COVID-19 test.